Coming to DVD & Blu-ray April 3

"We Bought a Zoo"
In this film based on a true story, Matt Damon is Benjamin Mee, a widower looking for a new home for him and his daughter. He thinks he's found that home when he finds out the house and land he's ready to buy is actually an estate and a zoo. In order to buy the house, Benjamin will be obligated to keep the 200-animal zoo and the entire staff.
Rated PG

When Albert is just a boy, he develops a bond with his horse, Joey. Albert trains Joey until the two are separated with the coming of the First World War. Joey is sent into battle, seeing the harsh realities of war and affecting all of those who come in contact with him.
Rated PG-13
Also on DVD & Blu-ray this week
"Redemption Road" (Michael Clarke Duncan, Rated PG-13)
"Babysitters" (John Leguizamo)
"Order of Chaos" (Samantha Mathis, Rated R)
"Angels Crest" (Jeremy Piven, Rated R)
"Wyatt Earp's Revenge" (Val Kilmer, Rated PG-13)
"Enter Nowhere" (Sara Paxton, Rated R)