Readers Respond: Fifty Shades of Grey
"Fifty Shades of Grey" has already broken box office records and, as one of the most talked-about movies of the young year, will no doubt continue to do so. The Film Yap hosted a special advance screening of the film this past week, and we asked our readers to offer their thoughts on the screening. Here are what some of our readers had to say about the story of bondage, lust and love (NOTE: Some responses have been edited for length.):
The movie provides no relationship development between Christian and Ana. I didn't believe for a moment that either Christian or Ana were really that into each other.
The sex in the movie isn’t even close to the level of heat in the book. The sex between Christian and Ana in the movie is clinical, boring, and so stilted you are left believing that the two of them could just as easily be making dinner reservations.
I want to provide a warning: The movie, while un-erotic, does use very explicit language and is not a romantic comedy or a traditional date movie. Do not see this movie with anyone like a new paramour, your mother, your child, your aunt, or anyone with whom you couldn't confidently discuss anal fisting.
— John Hinds
I, for one, loved the movie!! Take it for what it is — a funny, sexy, contemporary love story with a kink thrown in for good measure. I dare say you won't be disappointed!
— Altagracia Morales
As always, the movie is not as good as the book. However, there was good onscreen chemistry between Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan. Due to condensing for a movie version, I felt it a bit unbelievable to accept the amount of emotional commitment developed in such a short amount of time. If I had not read the books, I would have found it even more unbelievable. The ending was less than satisfying, and a good deal of the audience booed, but having read the three books, of course I know there is more to come.
— Barbara Fisher
I went to the movie with no expectations because let's face it: They couldn't do all the sexy scenes in the book without making soft porn. After seeing it, I will say that it exceeded my expectations.
Dakota was phenomenal! She MADE the movie! The movie was also a lot funnier than I expected! I like the lighter elements of the movie. Ana was stronger in the movie. Maybe it was the lack of inner-goddess musings, or the 97,000 references to Christian's eyes, but I liked the movie version of her much better.
I could have dealt with a lot less of Ana's "nips." They kept the movie R rated, but every other scene was her nipples! It was kind of funny when you compare it to the book, because E.L. James mentions Ana and her nipples about that often. Lastly, there wasn't a plot to this movie, no rising action, and I think that it is because they ended the movie when they did.
— Ashley Williams
I thought it was way overhyped. It was an OK movie. I'd read a lot of controversy about it before but didn't see anything at all that would incite controversy. It didn't come off as a movie to promote abuse as some said, nor did it tend to portray sadists in a negative way. It just seemed like a typical Hollywood piece made to entertain the audience.
Grey's acting voice was a bit too precious for me. The movie was slightly a bit too long as well. I did like the abrupt ending. That was, in my opinion, a great way to leave off for this type of movie. If I had to recommend a must-see movie for this weekend, it would be "Kingsman," hands down.
— Talena Velez
It touched on what Christian wanted out of the relationship but not what she really wanted. He appeared to care more when he wasn't getting his way or when he felt someone else was interested in the girl. I really wished the ending wasn't so abrupt. Something was definitely missing. Hope part two is better.
— Barbara Rasheed