What films are predicted to be top grossing in 2017?

2017 so far has been a pretty good year for films. While there have been a lot of sequels, spin-offs and remakes, you won’t find any fans complaining about the quality. Great films have come out so far and more are set to arrive later this year and with that, we’re hoping to look at we predict to be the some of the highest grossing films of 2017.
Despicable Me 3
It seems like cinema goers can’t get enough of those yellow, pill-shaped munchkins as yet another addition to the Despicable Me franchise is set to come out later this year. The spin-off film Minions, released in 2015, made$960 million in the worldwide box office before it had even finished its roll out in Europe and made overall $1.159 billion in the box office, taking a place on the top ten highest grossing films of all time. If we take the success of the last films into consideration when looking at Despicable Me 3, we can only expect it to match its predecessors and be one of if not the highest grossing film this year.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Guardians of the Galaxy was the film that made everyone and their mothers love Marvel. This comedic troupe of anti-heroes blasted their way into our hearts and made some fast die-hard fans. Before the credits had even rolled on the first film, fans were talking about the sequel, so there was a lot of pressure to deliver. Thankfully, the sequel did and it has been just as much of a success as the first film. This band of intergalactic misfits has done it again and there is a very good chance that this film will make a killing in the box office. Guardians currently sits at number 2 for the year, with a lot of ground to make up on the current highest grosser, “Beauty and the Beast.”
Justice League
DC’s response to the Avengers has been long overdue, but this just may be the turning point for DC in the cinema. Set to star all of our favourite DC characters – Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash and the mysterious Cyborg that the big screen has yet to see much of – this is set to be one of the most anticipated films to hit the cinema in a very long time. These characters have been much beloved by comic book fans and their backstories are all so fascinatingly unique that it will be an interesting watch to see the iconic DC comics translated from paper onto the cinema screen. However, no one knows just yet if we can expect to see these superheroes as we remember them. Considering the solo films for each of the characters also set to be released this year and in 2018, we may be seeing some very different sides to these familiar faces.
Spider-Man: Homecoming
The wallcrawler faces an uphill battle from viewers with Spider-fatigue. This is the second reboot of the franchise, but the inclusion of Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the presence of Iron Man as a mentor, and a fresh approach to the character (no Uncle Ben/great power origin story this time), Spidey might be prime for a box office resurgence.