The Northman had strong performances from Taylor-Joy, Skarsgaard, Kidman and others, but it didn't quite rise to the hype. It was so hyped by the media that I was expecting something rather more groundbreaking and original than what I got. There was a lot of CGI, predictable film making techniques, predictable sets. Even the story of Amleth is essentially the Hamlet story. It was too much of a Hollywood blockbuster, appeal-to-all-audiences type of movie. It lacked that memorable quality that comes from taking a risk in a film or focusing on some of the basics, like authenticity, etc. I enjoyed it, but would I watch it again. Not so sure.

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MEN was such an incredible disappointment. Visually awesome but my God. I was in the theater with 6 other people watching this film and the last 15 minutes truly became a disappointment. When the credits started rolling a guy behind me got up and said to the rest of us, "You guys alright?" We all had a few minutes where we talked about how insanely crazy that was. We were all thinking..."WTF?"

I suppose that maybe this is what happens when art works, though. Discussion happens. It did for us but boy oh boy...I was so disappointed, but I cant help but feel I was part of a ceremonious moment with six other humans that prompted a brief connection, a brief dialogue, however distasteful of the work we witnessed. These are unfiltered thoughts, lol.

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