Why is it rotten if you gave it 3/5 stars? :(

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Really it's on the borderline, but they don't give you an option for "s'ok" on the Tomatometer. I generally stick to 3½ stars and above for "Fresh." To me that means "I'm recommending this movie."

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how are you so old your not 5 so let the kids enjoy the movie in peace.

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I would LOVE to see the Venn diagram of “Kids Who’d Be Into This Movie” and “Readers Of The Film Yap.” The circles are so spread out not even Virgil could guide you from one to the other.

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Hey, we're open to all demos including wee haters. As I like to say, "An enraged reader is an engaged reader."

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You're a disgrace you need to get out of your mom basement you need a life so why are you talking because you're also reading and bashing to so stop talking.

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it did not say that also it is a kid movie bro so take a break old man

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I can't get into my account but this is Dogmanlover72584. I am sorry that I caused people to be mean and aggressive! I just felt like the splat means it's a bad movie instead of s'ok. I just think Dog Man deserves more than a 76 and it's not getting a lot of reviews. Sorry for making a post that caused people to be rude!! -- sincerely Dogmanlover72584 and the real (friendly) Dog Man community. thank you and sorry again!!!

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I can't get into my account but this is Dogmanlover72584. I am sorry that I caused people to be mean and aggressive! I just felt like the splat means it's a bad movie instead of s'ok. I just think Dog Man deserves more than a 76 and it's not getting a lot of reviews. Sorry for making a post that caused people to be rude!! -- sincerely Dogmanlover72584 and the real (friendly) Dog Man community. thank you and sorry again!!!

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