A veteran of more than 30 years of Disney animation, Don Hahn has been a part of Disney animation since 1977's "Pete's Dragon." He watching the animation department's decline in the 1980s with the disappointments of films like "The Black Cauldron" and "The Great Mouse Detective," then helped oversee its resurgence in the latter part of the decade, producing "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Lion King."
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Don Hahn, director, "Waking Sleeping Beauty"
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A veteran of more than 30 years of Disney animation, Don Hahn has been a part of Disney animation since 1977's "Pete's Dragon." He watching the animation department's decline in the 1980s with the disappointments of films like "The Black Cauldron" and "The Great Mouse Detective," then helped oversee its resurgence in the latter part of the decade, producing "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Lion King."